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"For my house will be called a House of Prayer for all Nations"

King Jesus House of Prayer

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The blessings of the Feast

As we enter into a time of open heavens , encounters and divine appointment 

Experience the Power & Glory of God


In 2017 I was diagnosed with lupus. As it progressed my hands use to get numb, sharp shooting pains on my fingers and swelling in my hands, it was difficult to work. At one of the church services the word of knowledge was released and the Lord said "He was healing me from Lupus". In faith I received my healing. Two weeks later I received my blood results and it was confirmed a negative result for Lupus. We give him all the Glory and Honor for my supernatural healing .

Praises to the King of Kings


Mrs R Gotham


South Africa


Do you want to Grow with God?
Discipleship is a lifestyle that consists of following Jesus and learning to live like Him.

Join us every Wednesday, at 7:00  PM for discipleship classes


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We are

Apostolic and Prophetic Church  is dedicated to the changing and transforming the lives of members of the “King Jesus House of Prayer” and the Body of Christ.

Our Passion

We are passionately and consistently praying for our city . We believe in the power of repentance and prayer. if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14


It was established in Genesis 14:20. An offering is what we give to God voluntarily, in addition to our tithes. When we bring offerings to God, He brings over abundance to our finances.


Join us as sow , serve and volunteer to those who are in desperate need and bring the gospel to the streets. We believe in Outreach and providing for the community.


Prayer Requests

Send us your prayer requests 


We are an apostolic and prophetic church in the city of Durban, South Africa. A House of Prayer for all nations, a place where you and your family can experience an encounter with God and his miraculous love and power.



South Africa 

Postal Code 4000



Thanks for submitting!

©2021 King Jesus House of Prayer 

First the Attack, then the Blessing

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